Election (Administrative Officers and Faculty Members)
- 1. Notification of Election Schedule for the Senate and Syndicate Constituencies of Administrative Officers
- 2. Notification of Election Schedule for the Senate and Syndicate Constituencies of One Assistant Professor and One Lecturer (respectively)
- 3. Notification of Election Schedule for the Academic Council Constituencies of Two Assistant Professor and Two Lecturer
- Re-Office Order of Returning Officer Dr. Umar Hayat
- Office Order Returning Officer Mr. Arshad Ali Khan
- in accordance with Section-05 of the University of Peshawar Election to the Authorities of University Statutes, 2016 for claims and objections to entries (if any) till May 22, 2020 (Friday), 12:00 Noon.
- Electoral List (Administrative Officer)
- Electoral List (Assistant Professors)
- Electoral List (Lecturers)
- Final Electoral List
- Administrative Officer
- Assistant Professor
- Lecturer
- Nomination Form
- Notice Inviting Nominations on the Prescribed Form (PDF)
- Notice Inviting Nominations on the Prescribed Form (MS Word)
- Election Results
- Administrative Officers (Senate and Syndicate) - contested and Uncontested
- Faculty Members (Senate and Syndicate) - Uncontested
- Academic Council - Contested / Uncontested