Approved Uniform Format for Synopses
Title Page
All Synopses should be headed by a concise, specific, and informative title. It must be grammatically correct and should convey to the reader the nature of the work to be carried out. The title should be in capital words (Times New Roman 14 Normal). The title must be followed by the University Monogram (Dimension Horizontal.1.25; Vertical, 1.5) followed by research scholar name (Times New 12 Normal Capital Words), supervisor name, co-supervisor name (if any)—Times New Roman 12 capital words— along with work address and affiliations (in case of co-supervisor) in case of supervisor no need to mention work address and affiliations, followed by Graduate Studies Committee (Times New Roman 14 Normal capital letters,) Signature columns for Convener, and members of Graduate Studies Committee (Times New Roman 12 Normal small letters), followed by address of Department/Institute/Centre where the students are enrolled along with the session (Times New Roman 16 bold)
Margins are detailed as under
Top Margin: 1.0 inch
Bottom margin: 1.0 inch
Left Margin: 1.5inch
Right Margin: 1.0 inch
Page 1: Text Layout
The title must be provided on the first line below the page header.
All materialmust be typed (12-point font, Times New Roman) and double- spaced on A-4 size paper.
The text should be provided under headings, namely:Introduction, Aims and Objectives, Methodology/Plan of Work, and References. Headings and sub-headings for different sections should be clearly indicated. Abbreviations used in the text, and must be clearly defined in full on the first use.Synopsis should be properly paginated (in the upper right-head corner of each page).
Introduction (Times New Roman 12 bold)
Each synopsis should have a brief introduction. The introduction should provide a critical analysis of the available and appropriate literature to identify an objective whose accomplishment will provide a significant contribution to the field, i.e. the work may either provide something new to the field or will improve upon the existing knowledge or develop a new methodology or device having major advantages over those already known.
Aims and Objectives (Times New Roman 12 bold)
Significance of the study and their importance must be provided. This section must be easily understandable for layman. When aims and objectives are more than one, they should be numbered in Roman Numerals, i.e. i, ii, iii, and so on.
Methodology/Plan of Work(Times New Roman 12 bold)
This part of synopsis should contain how a scholar will conduct the experimental work/survey/interviews etc. which type of instrument will be used and under which condition the research would be carried out. How the scholar will optimized various conditions and problems encountered during the study would be addressed.
Further subtopics may be added if the scholar wants.
Socio Economic Benefit/ Significance of the outcomes (Time New Roman 12 bold)
The scholar will explain the Socio Economic Benefit of the research or the significance of its expected outcome.
References (Times New Roman 12 bold)
- One style of the referencesi.eAPA or Turabianshould be followed,that shall be decided by the Department to select any of the aforementioned styles.
- Collect references in a list under the heading “References “at the end of the text. They should not be treated as footnotes.
- Do not leave blank lines between references.
- Verify the accuracy of all reference before citation.
- Unnecessarily long list of reference should be avoided.