As per Minutes of pre-Bid Meeting held on March 03, 2020 the following clarifications in quantity
and sample were made for communicating to the prospective bidders:
In Specifications For:
1. Assistant Professor/Lecturer:
a. Embroided Black Gown with one strip and black academic cap with tussels , (as per
Sample), QTY: 100 Nos
b. Sample Provision is mandatory at the time of bid opening.
2. Costumes for Students:
a. Black gown with velvet strips: Quantity, 1000 Numbers (As Per Sample)
b. Mustard Hood (Masters and BS Graduates), Quantity = 1000 Numbers (As Per Sample)
c. Green Hood (MS & Ph.D Graduates), Quantity = 50 Numbers ( As per Sample )
d. Maroon Hood (PH. D Graduates), Quantity = 50 Numbers (As per Sample)
e. Black Academic Cap with Tussels according to the color of hood *(as per sample)
f. Sample provision is Mandatory at the time of bid opening
Shaukat Ali Khan
Store Officer
University of Swat