Walk-in Interview, Institute of Cultural, Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality Management, and Archaeology

The Institute of Cultural, Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality Management, and Archaeology, the University of Swat (www.uswat.edu.pk.) invites for potential visiting candidates (Male and Female) purely on visiting basis for the following   positions having required qualification as per HEC Criteria. Interested candidates shall appear with original documents before the Selection Committee at 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 06, 2020 at Sangota Campus Sangota, Swat.

S.No Subject Degree Semester Credit Hours
1 Mathematics II BS Archeology and BS Tourism and Hospitality 2nd and 2nd 03+03 = 06
2 Introduction to Psychology BS Archeology and BS Tourism and Hospitality 2nd and 2nd 03+03 = 06
4 Introduction to Geography BS Archeology 2nd 03
5 Ancient History of Pakistan and India BS Archeology 2nd 03
6 Hospitality Operations BS Tourism and Hospitality 4th 03
7 Public Relations BS Tourism and Hospitality 4th 03
8 Housekeeping Operations and Management BS Tourism and Hospitality 4th 03
9 Cultural Tourism BS CHTM 6th 03
10 Hotel Management BS CHTM 6th 03
11 Muslim Art: Calligraphy, Painting and Minor Arts/ Crafts BS CHTM 8th 03
12 Event Management BS CHTM 8th 03
13 Tourism Geography BS CHTM 8th 03
14 Tourism Development BS CHTM 8th 03

Para B:          Terms, Conditions & Instructions:

  • The candidate should have First class M.Phil or MS Degree or Equivalent qualification in the relevant field from HEC recognized University / HEIs..
  • CV along with one set of attested photocopies of Degree/Certificates, DMCs, CNIC, Domicile and two recent passport size photographs shall be submitted to the concerned committee at the time of interview.
  • Candidates with high qualification in the relevant field will be preferred.
  • Appointment of selected candidate shall be made purely on visiting basis for a period of one semester.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible  for test/interview
  • The University reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of posts or cancel them
  • Errors/omissions (if any) will be rectified by the University as per rules

For More Information Contact:

Dr. Hazrat Bilal

In- Charge, ICHTM

Email: hbilal@uswat.edu.pk

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