IT Equipment for establishment of Computer lab at the Department of Computer and Software Technology, University of Swat
Sealed bids are invited for the purchase & installation of IT Equipments for establishment of Computer lab at the Department of Computer and Software Technology, University of Swat under single stage one envelope procedure from Manufacturers, Authorized Dealers and General Order Suppliers registered with Sales Tax, Income Tax Department and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority for sales tax on services.
- Bids cost shall be considered inclusive of all taxes of the Federal and Provincial Government.
- Any disfiguring /Over writing, Manipulation in the tender/BOQ shall be liable to rejection.
- Incomplete, conditional bids shall not be acceptable.
- Thecompetentauthorityreservestherighttorejectanyoneorallthetenders,thereasonsfor rejection shall be communicated to the contractor/firm upon request.
- Tenderformsalongwithdetailedspecification,termsandconditionscanbeobtainedfrom the office of the treasurer, University of Swat upon online Deposit Receipt of fee Rs. 1000/- (Non-Refundable) in favor of the Treasure in A/C No. 4581-2 National Bank ofPakistan Main Branch, Saidu Sharif Swat (Branch Code 1330).
- Quotationdulyfilledmustreachalongwiththeearnestmoney@2%ofbidcostinshapeof Deposit at Call from any scheduled bank in favor of Treasurer, University of Swat latestby (Tuesday November 26, 2019 at 02:00 PM).
- Bidswillbeopenedonthesamedayat02:30PMinCommitteeRoom,UniversityofSwatin the presence of suppliers or their authorized representatives.
- The details i.e. Tender Specification and TORs can also be obtained from the officialwebsite of the University i.e. Officer University of Swat
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